Aunt flo welcomes you. Your trusted destination for innovative period care solutions. We're dedicated to enhancing the way you experience your menstrual cycle, providing comfort, convenience, and empowerment every step of the way.

Our Mission:

Aunt Flo's mission is simple yet powerful: to offer modern individuals reliable and effective period care options that cater to diverse needs. We believe that menstruation shouldn't limit your lifestyle, which is why we've curated a selection of high-quality menstrual discs, cups, and cramp heat pads.

Why Choose Us?

🌸 Empowering Choices: We recognize that every body is unique. That's why we offer high quality menstrual discs and cups to suit your preferences and comfort level. Whether you're a first-time user or a seasoned pro, we have something for everyone.

🌸 Innovative Comfort: Our products are designed with your comfort in mind. From the softest medical-grade silicone to adjustable heat settings, we prioritize your well-being during your period and provide relief from cramps when you need it most.

🌸 Sustainability Matters: Embrace eco-conscious period care with our reusable menstrual discs, cups, and sustainable cramp heat pads. Join us in making a positive impact on the environment by reducing waste.

🌸 Convenience at its Best: Say goodbye to inconvenience. Our products offer extended wear, hassle-free application, and portability, ensuring that your period doesn't interfere with your life.

🌸 Community and Empowerment: We're not just about products; we're about community. Join a supportive network of individuals who are embracing modern period care and challenging taboos surrounding menstruation.

Whether you're looking for a menstrual disc that offers discreet comfort, a cup that promotes sustainability, or a cramp heat pad that soothes your discomfort, Aunt Flo is here to cater to your needs. Explore our collection, empower yourself, and transform the way you approach your menstrual cycle.

Join us on this journey of embracing comfort, sustainability, and empowerment during your period. Welcome to a new era of period care with Aunt Flo.